Stephen Bilboe, WCBS Sales & Marketing Director, sent the following message to our customer schools today:

We hope you and your family, students and colleagues are all safe and well during these unprecedented times.

Covid-19 is not a national issue, but a global one, and the commitment we have seen across the board, but especially from teachers and staff has been truly exceptional. As a parent myself, continuing with as much routine as possible, for as long as possible has been extremely valuable for our energetic 4-year-old, and it is very much appreciated.

I wanted to assure you that during this time of uncertainty, as we all deal with the effects of Covid-19, WCBS is dedicated to supporting your school. We are following government guidelines and initiated our working from home policy. Fortunately, we are well placed for this, with all our core systems being cloud-based and the majority of staff using laptops. Therefore, it is very much business as usual.

We are making great progress on HUBmis and will be using this time to further advance our development efforts. You can keep up to date with our progress by following the link below: 

At WCBS, we have been working from home for over a week now, and we’re glad to report we’re doing well and find it effective. We have even run our first (second and third now…) fully remote company meeting.

With staff based in multiple locations across the globe, I have also been really proud of how all the team members at WCBS have reacted, continuing to provide a high level of service and support to our schools. Hot off the press from our China office, is that using a staged approach, schools over there will be starting back from 30th March. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and I am confident we will come out stronger from this.

I wish you all the best and please do reach out if we can be of any assistance, we are here and happy to help.

